Sunday, May 17, 2020

The History Of The United States And Forever Changed The...

Erastus â€Å"Deaf† Smith I chose to write this essay on a famous deaf person that completely changed the history of the United States and forever changed the history of the state of Texas. This Deaf man could moreover be singly part of the only reason the Texans do not speak fluent Spanish as their first language that was born in the early part of 18th century. The reason I chose this individual is because of my intrigue of American history, moreover, through my research I found that he introduced a fine stock of Muley (meaning hornless) cattle from Louisiana to the San Antonio area, where the Longhorn breed was previously popular. My intent of this paper is to bring the history of an extraordinary Deaf man to light with his trials and triumphs. Erastus â€Å"Deaf† Smith was born April 19th,1787 In New York. From his birth or a childhood illness, Deaf Smith experienced a partial hearing loss. It is believed that his birth was breech and from that he suffered a lifetime of health issues and fragility. With his health problems among them he suffered was severe lung problems most likely tuberculosis. Smith moved to Mississippi in 1817 and then to Texas in 1821. During the time of his move to Mississippi and permanency in the state of Texas, his health improved most likely from the change in the climates. Smith also had the belief that eating skunk was a reason for his health improvement. After Smith had settled into New Dewitt Colony near Gonzalez, Texas. He married MexicanShow MoreRelatedThe Lone Star Nation1442 Words   |  6 Pagesstar state forever. Specific Texan heroes Stephen Austin who founded Texas, along with Sam Houston who led the Texas army and who was the governor. William Travis and his love for Rosanna was discovered while James Bowie, and David Crockett stood up and fought for the Alamo. 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